MHCO Columns

Phil Querin Article: Terminations for Cause (Continuing vs. Distinct Violations)(MHCO Forms 43 & 43A)

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Phil Querin



The Basics. Except where the physical condition of the home is at issue, a landlord may terminate the space rental agreement by giving the tenant not less than 30 days’ notice in writing if the tenant:

  1. Materially violates a law related to the tenant’s conduct as a tenant;
  2. Materially violates a rental agreement[1] provision related to the tenant’s conduct as a tenant and imposed as a condition of occupancy; or
  3. Is classified as a level three sex offender under ORS 163A.100.


Termination for Continuing Violations. In manufactured housing communities, the type of conduct that would make a tenant subject to this 30-day termination notice is the failure to maintain the space which is required under the rules or rental agreement. MHCO Form 43 would be used which – at the title states – is “for continuing violations only.” ORS 90.630(3)(d) defines this as conduct that is “constant or persistent or has been sufficiently repetitive over time that a reasonable person would consider the conduct to be ongoing.”


This form is to be completed according to its instructions must specify, in detail, if necessary (including pictures if appropriate):  (i) the reason for the violation: (ii) the source of the violation, e.g., rules, rental agreement, statute, etc.; and (iii) at least one possible remedy. If the violation is cured within the 30-day period, the problem is solved. If it is not cured, the landlord has the right to then file for eviction (being sure to append the 30-day notice to the complaint). Taking photos of the condition upon which the notice is based on the date of the notice and the 31st day thereafter is essential for use in court.


Termination for Distinct Acts or Omissions. However, when the violation is a single event, such as speeding in the community; loud music or other disturbances; fighting; threats of violence, etc., things become more complicated since the landlord does not want to give the tenant 30 days to stop engaging in the offensive activity.  For that reason, landlords must use MHCO Form 43A for violations that constitute a “distinct act or omission.”


The protocol in completing this form is much different than Form 43 and must be followed carefully; it can get confusing. Here it is:


  1. The “Deadline” to correct the violation can be no sooner than the 4th day after the date of the notice if hand-delivered or mailed and attached, or the 7th day after the date of the notice if sent via regular mail. (Although not required by law, it is recommended that landlords obtain a certificate of mailing from the post office if regular mail is used.)


  1. Similar to Form 43, in 43A the basis for the violation (e.g., rules, rental agreement, etc.) the violation, and the event(s) to cure must also be specified with particularity.


  1. If correction does not occur by the Deadline, the tenancy automatically ends on the “Termination Date” which must be at least 30 full days after the date of the notice.  Thus, if the tenant is not out by the Termination Date, the eviction may be filed.  Filing for eviction before the Termination Date would, in my opinion, be premature, since the tenant still has the right to remain at the space for the balance of the month. For repeat violations, see (iv) below.


  1. If substantially the same violation occurs within six months following the date of the notice (43A), the landlord may terminate with 20 days written notice to the tenant and there is no right to cure.


Conclusion.  The above discussion is a summary only. There are various nuances. Conduct by a pet or assistance animal is not included. Note there can be some overlap with conduct triggering the 24-hour notice statute under ORS 90.396 (which may be preferable if the conduct involves health and safety). Accordingly, if you have questions that are not answered by the above, check with you legal counsel before filing the notice and before filing an eviction based upon the notice.


[1] Note that rules and regulations are also considered a part of the “rental agreement.”