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MHCO's 2014-15 Legislative "Wish List"

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This week the Manufactured Home Community Landlord-Tenant Coalition. Below are some of the issues MHCO is putting forward as our "Legislative Wish List" for the upcoming Oregon Legislative Session in 2015. Many of these concepts will not become Oregon Law or will take several Legislative Sessions to work thru the process - but this is where it starts. 1. Change ORS 90.675 (14) (c) to allow county tax collector to cancel all unpaid property taxes when the landlord purchases the home through the abandonment sale. Current Law: Landlord's who bid at the auction of a home with a tax assessor determined fair market value in excess of $8,000, should plan on paying the unpaid property taxes if they acquire the home at the sale, since those taxes will not be cancelled.2. Clarify that any home removed or destroyed in a manufactured home community can be replaced with an equivalent new or used home with no interference by state or local jurisdictions. This includes no new or additional infrastructure improvements, system development charges and fees.3. Allow manufactured home communities that provide well water to charge for water usage via water sub-metering.4. Local jurisdictions must charge landlord the lesser of either commercial or residential rates for the master meter consumption, following the installation and operation of water sub-meters. (more of a Tenant issue, but shows 'we care')5. Provide Landlord First Right of Refusal" on tenant home sales