Phil Querin Q&A

Question: How does a landlord deal with a Tenant who refuses to maintain their yard? Can the landlord do the work and charge the Tenant?  
    By:  Phillip C. Querin, MHCO Legal Counsel The difference between a well-run manufactured housing community and one with problems frequently lies with the rules and regulations each facility has adopted.  Here are some tips for developing a set of rules and regulations that may be helpful in the successful operation of your community:”

Mark Busch Q&A

By:  Mark L. Busch, P.C., Attorney at Law This article is informational only and is not intended as legal advice.  Always consult with a competent attorney before undertaking any legal action. Question: We have a person on a vacation occupancy agreement in our RV park (MHCO Form 202).  The end date for the agreement is coming up, but this person says he…
This article is informational only and is not intended as legal advice.  Always consult with a competent attorney before undertaking any legal action. The question often arises whether and how RV park landlords can change and update their park rules.  For manufactured home parks, the answer is clear – landlords can issue a rule change notice that allows…

Property Management

It’s okay to enforce reasonable rules, especially in common areas, where the community has a legitimate interest in maintaining the property, ensuring safety, and protecting the right of all residents to peaceful enjoyment of their homes.
  State legislation requires manufactured home park and floating home landlords to amend Rental Agreements to provide for a Mandatory Mediation Policy (Oregon Revised Statute 90.767). The policy must include an explanation of the process and format for mediation and provide information on mediation services available. Statute currently calls for…