Oregon Legislative Session Begins
with Catastrophic
Rent Control and Vacancy Control Proposals
The 2025 Oregon Legislative Session has commenced. Legislators wasted little time in filing a proposal to further restrict the ability of manufactured and floating home providers to raise rents. HB 3054 specifically targets manufactured and floating home communities by limiting future rent increases to CPI only and significantly further restricting the ability to raise rent on new tenancies to market rent. This is one of the most extreme and catastrophic proposals to come out of the Oregon Legislature that targets a specific housing sector. The legislative proposal will most likely have its first public hearing on Monday, February 3rd in Salem.
MHCO wants to make you aware of this proposal as it may become law in 2026 or sooner.
Summary of the new RENT CONTROL/VACANCY CONTROL proposal:
- Restricts annual rent increases for tenants in parks and marinas to increases in the Consumer Price Index.
- Amends ORS 90.600 regarding rent increases for facility tenancies to limit any rent charged to a new tenant who purchases a home from a former tenant to no more than a ten percent increase over the selling tenant’s rent.
- Amends ORS 90.680 to prohibit a facility landlord from requiring a selling tenant or a prospective purchaser of a home from an existing tenant to make aesthetic or cosmetic improvements to the home, only maintenance or repair items.
- Amends ORS 90.680 to prohibit a facility landlord from requiring a selling tenant or prospective purchaser to provide or allow an inspection of the interior of the home as a condition for accepting a notice of sale, approving a sale, or approving a purchaser as a new tenant. This would include any inspections relating to safety or fire control.
MHCO is aggressively opposing this legislation. We are working with other associations and allies to defeat this proposal. At the end of the day, we can only succeed in defeating this legislation if all members and non members are actively engaged through emails, phone calls, meetings and attending/testifying at public hearings.
In the next few days we will be providing talking points and contact information to specific communities that are constituents of key Legislators. We will also be providing information on the public hearing to be held on February 3rd in Salem.