Manufactured Housing Communities of Oregon (MHCO) is the largest organization in Oregon representing owners of manufactured housing communities in Oregon.
As a member of MHCO you will have access for over 50 forms drafted by MHCO's attorney.These forms cover nearly all the issues you face as an owner or manager of a manufactured home community in Oregon. Additionally, MHCO offers a landlord/manager hot line to answer a wide variety of questions you may have regarding the operation of your community. As a member of MHCO you will be able to attend landlord-tenant training seminars at a reduced "member" rate. MHCO also provides members with a wide variety of information - from Fair Housing Issues to the latest developments in the Oregon Legislature that directly impact your ability to operate your community in Oregon. MHCO's is the community owner's watch dog and advocate in the Oregon Legislature.
MHCO's strength is in numbers. Become a member today and join the hundreds of other communities in Oregon who trust MHCO to advocate for manufactured home community owners in Oregon.