The Manufactured Housing Landlord Tenant Coalition met earlier this week to continue negotiations on a variety of issues. Here is a summary of what is moving, what is not and what still needs to be discussed as we prepare for the 2015 Oregon Legislative Session.
Abandoned Manufactured Home and Back Taxes
The coalition further discussed the abandoned home back tax" issue that MHCO negotiated with the Oregon Tax Assessors earlier last month. The Oregon Department of Revenue expressed concerns about the agreement specifically as it impacts tax revenue from the Oregon Senior Deferral program. The Oregon Department of Revenue typically has liens on 40 abandoned homes a year. Moving forward the coalition will need to identify back taxes that are owed to the State of Oregon and back taxes owed to Oregon Counties. We hope to have proposed language addressing this issue ready next month.
One additional concern expressed by a MHCO Board Member was clarification of when the community owner acquires the title of the abandoned home. Community owners will be reluctant to make the necessary improvements in an abandoned home if there is any question regarding the transfer of title. The general consensus is that this needs to happen early in the process and be defined in statute.
Overall we are pleased that all parties remain committed to eliminating the community owner's responsibility to pay back taxes on an abandoned home.
Changes to Annual Special Assessment on Park Residents and Community Registration Fee
As we have mentioned in earlier Legislative Updates